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Audit Requirements: Regulatory, Statutory & Performance Audits For Small Business In UAE

Have you ever considered the reasons why businesses require audit services from the UAE? Many different reasons can be found to conduct an audit. UAE auditing plays a very significant role in ensuring compliance and operational efficiency of financials. Audits for regulatory, statutory, and performance audits are crucial elements that companies in the UAE have to adhere to in order to ensure the integrity and trustworthiness. Approved Auditors in Dubai serve as vital partners, providing expert advice and advice to businesses who are trying to navigate the complex web of requirements for audits. With their thorough scrutiny and insightful insights auditing professionals not only guarantee the compliance of regulatory standards but also aid businesses in improving their overall performance and building trust among all stakeholders in the booming business center. 

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But what do each of these audits mean? And what does this mean to small-scale businesses located in UAE? 

Let’s dive deep into each one of them to find out the most important difference: 

1. Regulatory Audit 

A regulatory audit is focused on ensuring that a business adheres to the numerous laws, regulations, standards, and laws that are set by municipal authorities as well as regulatory organizations. They include: 

  • Federal regulations and law: These cover laws made from the Federal government for example corporate governance laws, labor laws, rules, and Intellectual property law. In the UAE Limited responsibility companies (LLCs) have to comply with new regulations on governance and compliance until December 31, 2021 alike to Federal Decree Law No. 26 of 2020. Another illustration could be 26 of 2020. Another example is the Law on Bankruptcy, which offers an outline that allows for insolvency and restructuring procedure for businesses facing financial hardship or who are unable to pay outstanding debts 
  • Regulations specific to industry: Certain industries have more legal requirements. For example regulations like the Economic Substance Regulations (ESR), oblige companies that have relevant operations to show economic value to the UAE. 

Likewise, the Accountability and Audit Authority (ADAA) Resolution No. (1) in 2017 stipulates that all ADAA subjects and their affiliated entities to abide with the resolution as well as follow their own International Standards on Auditing (ISA) for their audits that they contracted in August 2017.

2. Statutory Audit

Statutory audits involve looking over and analyzing the financial statements and records of a business or public agency. Its goals are to increase public transparency and shareholder confidence in the company’s financial stability. 

In UAE, the most important aspects of the audit statutory include: 

  • Independent auditing companies: The UAE Ministry of Economy and other pertinent agencies must recognize an independently accredited audit company that performs statutory audits. 
  • Annual Financial Position Statements: Businesses in the United Arab Emirates are obliged to provide annual financial accounts. Verifying and expressing an opinion regarding their fairness and compliance with accounting rules is the auditor’s responsibility. 
  • The Authorities’ Reporting: The company’s shareholders and the relevant authorities will get the audit reports that the auditor submits. 

 3. Performance Audit

A performance audit evaluates the effectiveness, efficiency and efficiency of a firm’s operations as well as its processes and management. These kinds of audits are usually performed either by auditors within the company or audit firms that have experience in performing audits. 

The most important aspects of a performance audit are: 

Scope and Goals: A performance audit can be adapted to meet the needs of the business and can concentrate on areas like cost management, process improvements Risk assessment, as well as internal control effectiveness. 

  • Internal Control Audit: The audit evaluates the internal control systems and highlights any weaknesses that could result in problems or risks. 
  • Recommendations:  This audit report gives actionable recommendations to improve that will allow the company to improve its performance and obtain its strategic objectives. 

After you’ve got an idea of the three kind auditing, we’ll take a look at the distinct factors that are present across all three! 

Differentiating Factors in All Three Cases 

  • Purpose: The purpose Audits conducted by the statutory authorities confirm the accuracy of financial statements. Regulative audits verify the compliance of standards and laws. Performance audits assess the effectiveness of an organization’s operations. 
  • Focus:  Audits that are statutory concentrate on the validity of the financial statement, whereas regulatory audits concentrate on the compliance of regulations and laws. Audits of performance, on the other hand, concentrate on the efficiency of operations and their effectiveness. 
  • Results: Statutory audits assure that financial statements are not contaminated by mistakes; auditors who are regulated warrant legal compliance. Performance audits impart suggestions for improving organizational performance. 

Insights For Small Businesses 

In the UAE, if you own a small business For the success of your company and for compliance, you must comprehend the subtleties of statutory, regulatory, and performance auditing. The secret to guaranteeing legal compliance and enhancing performance is auditing, which enables you to stay competitive in the ever evolving corporate world. 

Why choose ebs chartered accountants ? 

At ebs chartered accountants is one of approved auditors in UAE. We bring high-quality assistance for maintaining complete and accurate financial records. Our experts are available to benefit you with your accounting and auditing issues, providing personalized solutions that meet your requirements.  

Contact us now for professional advice on all of the auditing requirements. 


What are the most important regulators within the UAE? 

The most important auditing and regulatory bodies in the UAE comprise the Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) as well as the UAE Central Bank. 

What’s the difference between performance and statutory audits within the UAE? 

Audits that are statutory are required by law, whereas performance audits concentrate on effectiveness and efficiency of processes that go beyond legal compliance. 

When are audits needed for companies operating within the UAE? 

Audit frequency is dependent on the nature and size of the company that ranges from yearly to biannual audits in accordance with the requirements of regulatory agencies.