Dso Approved Auditors
The companies registered in Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO) free zone must audit their accounts books with approved auditors in DSO. Only those auditors who are registered in Dubai Silicon Oasis free zone are supposed to carry out the audit.
Dubai Silicon Oasis maintains its reputation and standard since its inception in 2004. Dubai Silicon Oasis Authority is owned by the government of Dubai which is a globally recognized free zone. The aim to make DSO was to endorse modern technology-based industries in one location.
DSO is the only free zone that offers to live and work for the community as a technology park. Its vision is to create six major strategies such as medium-sized companies and large business startups, venture capital funds, incubation centers and universities, business services, and high-tech infrastructure.
DSO offers the world’s best business climate to the whole electronic value chain. Business organizations must submit the annual financial statement audited by DSO-approved auditors. It has transformed UAE into a knowledge-based economy.
DSO offers a lot of services for companies that are operating under DSO.
An approved auditor in DSO examines the financial statements complying with standards.
Our expert auditors have developed planning and methodology for an efficient audit process. We also offer the best auditing services in Dubai Silicon Oasis. We make sure that there is no mistake in the process of auditing in DSO. These are the DSO auditing services we provide:
The DSO-approved audit provides the report of the company’s stakeholders, shareholders, and the free zone authority with assurance. This audit ensures that the company is managed properly and its business operations are being conducted in compliance with the regulations applicable within the DSO-free zone. The approved auditors can only conduct this audit in UAE.
The DSO-approved auditors decide whether the company has maintained proper records or not. The DSO-approved auditors can also carry out investigations in this regard. The companies can choose the approved auditing companies on the basis of experience and reputation.
It is important to have an accounting degree or some relevant degree to become an approved auditor of DSO. People must have relevant experience as well in accounting and auditing to get registered and approved.
The approved auditors in DSO are hired to examine the financial statements prepared in compliance with standards. The auditors also prepare the report to ensure the reliability of financial information in the UAE.
The best benefit of auditors is that the auditing will ensure the free zone services that the company confirmed and accepted for the free zone adhere to the standards and values established.
The DSO-approved auditors ensure that the businesses in the free zone are compliant with all applicable regulations and laws. They conduct periodic reviews to shed light on the improved areas.
First of all, the approved auditors start to maintain the records of underlying documents that are mandatory to show or explain the transactions to accurately disclose the financial position of the company. Overall, the auditors try to maintain the whole financial health away from fraud and redundancy.