

JAFZA Approved Auditors

JAFZA Approved

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Jafza Approved Auditors

    JAFZA Approved Auditors

    JAFZA Approved Auditors
    In UAE

    Auditing by an approved auditor of JAFZA is mandatory for the companies registered within Jebel Ali Free Trade Zone. As per the terms of JAFZA, every registered company must appoint a JAFZA-approved auditor in UAE to audit their books of accounts. Accurate auditing helps companies to comply with the regulations imposed by the legal authorities.

    JAFZA as Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority provides global connectivity by making the business operation simple. It also offers end-to-end solutions to businesses operating in this zone. JAFZA has the best trade partners to enhance supply activities with vigilant sea-air hubs. JAFZA offers the following business activities.

    Benefits Of JAFZA-Approved

    How External Audit Is Conducted In JAFZA?

    It is mandatory for all registered companies to appoint a top JAFZA-approved auditing firm for auditing.  If companies want to renew their license without any failure, auditors conduct external audits.

    These documents are required for conducting auditing:

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    Bank statements

    JAFZA Approved Auditors

    VAT certificate

    JAFZA Approved Auditors

    Copies of bills and invoices

    JAFZA Approved Auditors

    Credit/debit confirmation for all the financial transactions

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    Articles of Association (AOA)

    Tax Audit Service In UAE

    Memorandum of Association (MoA)

    Tax Audit Service In UAE

    Books of accounts

    Tax Audit Service In UAE

    Latest trade license

    Accounting services in dubai

    Details of registration for VAT and excise Tax (if applicable)

    JAFZA Approved Auditors

    Responsibility Of Approved Auditor Of JAFZA

    If a company fails to submit the audited financial statements:

    How ebs Can Help?

    As a registered company under the JAFZA, it is mandatory to appoint an approved auditor in JAFZA for compliance. If you do not concern with the approved auditor, then there are more chances for non-compliance which will bring penalties. We provide these essential auditing services.

    JAFZA Approved Auditors
    JAFZA Approved Auditors


    JAFZA-approved auditors are authorized by law to do audits on the companies that corporate with Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority. JAFZA is one of the free zones in the UAE that have attracted thousands of foreign companies.

    The approved auditor is required to evaluate the company’s financial practices to ensure that the accounts meet rules and regulations. The auditors are also required to submit a signed copy of the report with the annual business accounts reports.

    JAFZA approved auditor’s responsibility is to obtain assurance whether the financial statements as a whole are free from malformation, and misstatement. The auditor ensures that the company finances are free from fraud and embezzlement.

    Approved auditors in JAFZA determine the adequacy of internal controls, promote best practices for controls and ensure compliance with regulations and policies. Auditing will help the company to detect any kind of fraud or error.

    An auditor is required to have an accounting degree or a similar qualification. The auditor must demonstrate experience and knowledge through practical implications as well.

    Companies can look for the best JAFZA-approved auditors and also have a look at their services and experience in providing audits. A company can also check the feedback given by the clients to know their auditing services.

    The main task of the auditor is to ensure that the company has clear records of financial activities. There are a few main steps that auditors follow such as selection, planning, reporting, fieldwork, and follow-up.

    We will assist you in your external and internal auditing without any errors. We are also providing completely reliable and innovative solutions to all your requirements regarding accounting and bookkeeping, auditing, and other services.

    If you want to reach out to our accountants for a meaningful discussion on JAFZA-approved auditors in UAE, connect with us.

    need expert audit services by
    JAFZA Registered & Approved Auditor?


