Tax evasion is the use of illegal means to reduce the amount of tax, non-payment, or refund of a tax. the person does not have the right to have a refund but still uses illicit ways to get a refund. Tax evasion is punishable by penalty or imprisonment that the person will not be able to escape from it.
Tax evasion is punishable with imprisonment or a penalty up to five times the amount of tax evaded. A person cannot get exempt from the due taxes or penalties because of the imposition of criminal liability.
Tax evasion is detected by the IRS and to determine the tax evasion, the agency shows the avoidance of taxes with willful intentions on the part of the taxpayer. Non-issuance of invoices, claiming false input tax credits, wrong availment of exemptions, and falsification of exports are the main tax fraud.
You can authorize someone to contact the IRS on your behalf, if you cannot resolve the penalty then contact Taxpayer Advocate Service. You can contact IRS for your appeal of the penalty after getting proper guidance from the tax consultant.
A person can be subjected to criminal or civil tax fraud. There is no time limit for the IRS to enforce civil fraud penalties despite other statutes of limitations which expire after 3 to 5 days. However, tax evasion is criminal and there can be strict penalties for tax evasion in UAE.
Tax evasion is a crime in UAE and there are no shortcuts to avoid the penalties if you are involved in tax evasion. You can use legal means to pay taxes in UAE and pay all the due taxes to avoid tax evasion.