
External Auditor

What Is Auditing Evidence? How External Auditors Support Their Opinion?

Auditing evidence is information that is used to support their opinion on the financial statements of a firm after the auditing process. The evidence is collected through different methods including observing activities, inspecting documents, and interviewing people.

Have you ever wondered about how auditors express their opinion about a company’s financial position? In this blog, we will discuss the auditing evidence and how external auditors support their opinion. Auditing firms in Dubai also follow the same principles of finding audit evidence. Without audit evidence, the opinion of the external auditor will hold no legal and formal authenticity.  As you have noticed, in courts prosecutors have to present evidence, and the audit evidence is all the relevant sources and information to form an opinion.



Why An Auditor Needs Evidence?


Audit evidence is crucial for important factors, to support the opinion of the auditor and back the truthfulness of a company on financial reporting in Dubai, UAE. it is often believed that the audit evidence is important for the auditors, but it is equally crucial for the worthiness of the stature and integrity of the company.


External Auditor


Types Of Auditing Evidence


There are three main types of auditing evidence:


Physical evidence: This is evidence that can be seen, touched, or measured. An auditor might check physical assets like equipment or inventory to make sure they exist and belong to the company.


Documentary evidence: This is evidence that is in the form of documents, such as invoices, financial statements, and contracts. These documents will be checked for accuracy and completeness by the auditor.


Testimonial evidence: This is evidence that is provided by people, such as customers, employees, and suppliers. The auditor will conduct interviews with these people to get their perspectives on the financial health and operations of the company.



How Auditors Use Auditing Evidence In UAE


Auditors in the UAE use auditing evidence to make an opinion on the fairness of the financial statements in accordance with the IFRS. They will consider the relevance and reliability of the evidence and they will also consider the amount of evidence that is required to support their opinion.



How External Auditors Support Their Opinion in UAE


In the United Arab Emirates, businesses contract independent auditors to audit their financial statements. The external auditor will evaluate the financial statements’ fairness by gathering auditing evidence. A report that is sent to the company’s shareholders and other interested parties will include the auditor’s opinion. All auditors in Dubai can utilize both external and internal sources of the company to gather audit evidence.





Evaluating proof is a basic piece of the reviewing system in the UAE. Auditors use it to evaluate the accuracy of the financial statements. Investors and other stakeholders who rely on financial statements to make decisions can benefit greatly from the auditor’s opinion. Without audit evidence, the opinion of the external auditor will hold no legal and formal authenticity.  As you have noticed that in courts prosecutors have to present evidence, and the audit evidence is all the relevant sources and information to form an opinion.


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